Thursday 5 December 2013

Are You Smarter than Gadaffi? (XBONE)

It can be said that THQ is a company that produces hit or miss games.  Furthermore, it can be said that THQ's last great game was WWF Road to Wrestlemania for the Gameboy Advance.  Are You Smarter than Gadaffi changes things entirely.  This is simply the best Xbox One launch title available.

Let's get one thing abundantly clear from the start - you are NOT smarter than overlord Gadaffi.  Question one will be something like "Identify the following color" and your options will be things like "Please take last loaf bread for banquet" or "Destroy village for answer".

Luckily, you have some tools at your disposal.  One option allows you to call al-Assad for help.  However, in doing so, you quickly learn that Assad will simply answer the question for Gadaffi and not for you, as implied.  You lose.

In time you come to learn that the only way to advance in this game is to give up, which allows you to proceed to the next question.  It should be noted that in doing so, you forfeit a portion of your starting cash each time to Gadaffi.  When you go broke, the game is over.

THQ was clearly firing on all cylinders when they made this game and they have given a glimmer of hope to an otherwise lackluster next-gen console.

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