Sunday 1 December 2013

Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360)

Bought GTAV for Xbox 360.  Cost me 150,000 Microsoft Points.

Game is about three Lebanese friends named Tehran, Fouad and Mahmoud who travel to LA to open a string of "authentic" Italian pizza restaurants.

Characters all have individual skills like drive, flying, shoot and pick up strippers.

Fouad here likes to get some creature down the hatch and grow the dirt beard.

Game map is pretty big and include dessert so main characters feel comfortable and can stage uprising.

Game is made good as shown in vid.

Mahmoud has domestic element where invisible wife brings in groceries from car on loop :)

Online is good if you like death.  Start with pistol but every body else have tanks cause they play game alot.

Peeps got mad at me cause I run them over when they leave shops.

Called Richard to play with online with me but he was playing new Xbone.

All in all good game.  Rockstart always make good game.


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